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卡内基梅隆大学澳洲分校Riaz Esmailzadeh教授到我校进行学术交流访问 卡内基梅隆大学澳洲分校Riaz Esmailzadeh教…
校(Carnegie Mellon University-Australia)Riaz Esmail...
卡内基梅隆大学澳洲分校:Riaz Esmailzadeh教授
时间: 2015-09-17 04:41:00    来源: 国际处    作者: 国际处    点击:


Riaz Esmailzadeh

Teaching Professor, Management of Information Technology, CMU-Australia

Email: riazesma@andrew.cmu.edu


PhD, Electrical Engineering, Keio University

Master of Business Administration, IMD, Switzerland

Master of Engineering Studies in Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia

Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Engineering, University of SA, Australia

Working Experience

August 2006 – Present: Teaching Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Australia

October 2011 – October 2013: Expert Witness in the Apple vs. Samsung trial at the Federal Court of Australia

July 2002 – January 2006: Associate Professor, Keio University, Japan

October 2002 – August 2006: Technical Advisor (interim CTO), IPMobile Inc., Japan

June 2000 – May 2002: Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Genista Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

May 1996 – May 2000: Research and Development Management, Nippon Ericsson, Tokyo and Yokosuka, Japan, and Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Sweden

April 1994 – April 1996: Research and Development Engineer, Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Japan


Associate Professor, Keio University 2002-2006

Teaching Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Australia, 2006-

Selected Publications

R. Esmailzadeh, “Broadband Telecommunications Technologies and Management”, John Wiley Publishers, Expected September 2015.

R. Esmailzadeh, “Broadband Wireless Communications Business: Costs and Benefits of New Technologies”, John Wiley Publishers, March 2006

R. Esmailzadeh and M. Nakagawa, “TDD CDMA for Wireless Communications”, Artech House Publishers, October 2002.


Tokyo Prefecture Patent Award, 2006, for “Transmission Control method and Apparatus for Mobile Communications System,” Filed in Japan, also patented in the US: patent number 6,546,260

WBS Student Paper Award, 2006, for the outstanding technical paper titled: "Evaluation of Asymmetric TDD Systems Employing AMC and HARQ by Considering MCS Selection Errors,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.

Research Interests

CDMA communications (3G) Quality control and management Active in the development and standardization of third generation (3G) mobile communications systems. Research into broadband wireless telecommunications business, including m-commerce All leading to more than 60 patent applications, 26 of which have been granted in the US so far.

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