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时间: 2014-04-03 08:13:14    来源: 国际处    作者: 国际处    点击:


319日,由北京科技大学与英国德蒙福特大学(De Montford University)合作设立的孔子学院在英国正式揭牌仪。北京科技大学校务委员会主席罗维东、德蒙福特大学校长多米尼克﹒希拉德(Dominic Shellard)、以及莱斯特市政厅代表等近50人出席了揭牌仪式。驻英使馆公使衔教育参赞沈阳代表驻英使馆出席仪式并致贺辞。 






DMU Confucius Institute welcomes VIP Chinese visitors at its formal opening

De Montfort University’s (DMU’s) Confucius Institute (CI) welcomed special visitors from China, as a plaque was unveiled at its formal opening.

Guests arrived from the University of Science and Technology (USTB) – the CI’s educational partner – in Beijing, and from the Chinese Embassy in the UK.

As part of DMU’s commitment to securing a global future for its institution, the CI will provide Chinese language and cultural learning on campus, and for the wider community. 

This CI is also following a unique creative model, celebrating the creativity for which DMU is already known and connecting creative expertise between the university and USTB.

The event welcomed visitors with traditional Chinese dance, singing and music.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Dominic Shellard said: "Our Confucius Institute is playing an important role in helping to secure a global future for all DMU students and staff, providing an interactive platform for linguistic and cultural experiences on campus. 

"Included as part of our pioneering #DMUglobal programme, the centre will strengthen our partnerships with China, enhancing meaningful international exchange for research, teaching and learning.

"Building on what is a unique model for a Confucius Institute, DMU’s own expertise will be showcased through joint academic endeavours with USTB, combining the very best of the creative industries from the UK and China."

The visit helped develop possibilities for #DMUglobal – the programme which will provide the majority of DMU students with the opportunity for an international experience as part of their studies.

The two universities signed a Letter of Cooperation during the day, which will support the activity of the CI.

USTB Chancellor Professor Luo Weidong said: “We wanted to develop a new model, not just the traditional model of language and culture, but also for the creative technologies.

“We will send students here and DMU students will visit USTB. Our two countries will grow closer and I hope we have the best of luck with this.”

Professor Shellard will be awarded an Honorary Professorship from USTB and will deliver lectures there later this year.

Minister Counsellor Mr Shen Yang, from the Chinese Embassy added: “This is a wonderful platform for collaboration. We are deeply impressed with Professor Shellard’s commitment to the programme. 

“We have noticed that in a short time language provision has been created and extended in to the community.”

DMU has also partnered with Hanban, affiliated with China’s Ministry of Education, and global conglomerate Sunwah Group – to establish the CI. 

The institute will form part of the university’s wider campus transformation and sit within the Sunwah creative and cultural centre, one of five in the world – currently only in Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan and China.

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