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International Conference on “Big Data + Internet + Intelligent + Innovation Design” Held at USTB

From November 6 to the 8, 2015, USTB and de Montfort University cosponsored the international conference and exhibition entitled “Big Data + Internet + Intelligent + Innovation Design”, which was held at the USTB gymnasium. Experts on innovation design from academic, industry, and universities from around the world came together, with over 1600 people participating in the conference. De Montfort University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Nigel Wright, headed a delegation to USTB which was met by USTB Chancellor Luo Weidong and Vice-President Wang Ge. Together they attended the conference’s opening ceremony, as well as the opening ceremony of the Ministry of Information’s Industry and Cultural Development Center with Director Luo Min.

At the start of the conference Luo Weidong, Nigel Wright, and Luo Min delivered their respective presentations. Chancellor Luo spoke about how innovation and public entrepreneurship had become the new norm, and the growing prominence of innovation design at the policy level. He continued that USTB had over the years built closer relations with UK universities, and he believed that long term joint-efforts would ensure the harmonious development of future Sino-British relations.
Vice-Chancellor Wright recollected on the exchange programs shared between de Montfort and USTB, and spoke about how he looked forward to the conference’s discussions. He ended by welcoming the gathered participants and encouraging their work in discussing the future of creative design.
Director Luo talked about how intelligent manufacturing represented the fourth industrial revolution that would promote global development and shape the industry, where design innovation would come to the fore. He continued that the Ministry of Information was actively seeking industry collaboration in the pursuit of development in the government sector, private enterprises, and universities. Together they would create a collaborative platform to promote creative design, share data, utilize the Internet more efficiently, finally promoting the development of China.
Held concurrently was the innovation design exhibition, showcasing the work of USTB professors and students, the de Montfort student exhibition, the Red Star Award exhibition, and finally the USTB alumni fashion exhibition, with over 60 works displayed in all.
After the conference Chancellor Luo, Wang Cai, Vice-Chancellor Wright, and Vice-President Wang visited the USTB alumni association. The association Vice-President Zheng gave the group a guided tour of the fashion and art exhibits, and afterwards the two sides discussed collaboration with de Montfort in the field of fashion design.
The international conference was organized and co-sponsored by USTB and de Montfort University for the purpose of taking advantage of the two school’s academic strengths, pooling resources, and promoting collaboration in design and creative industries. The meeting received the support of the Ministry of Information and the Cultural Development Center, the Zhongguancun Industrial Design Innovation Association, and the Beijing Industrial Design Center.

Uploaded:2015-11-11 14:49:19

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