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University of Science and Technology Beijing

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Speak for Internationalization

 Do you enjoy your time here at USTB? Do you think that students around the world are missing out on the USTB Experience? Do you want to see USTB broaden its connections to a Larger International Network? Now is the opportunity to get the word out! The International Office of USTB is holding The Second Contest for all students to put their most creative foot forward by proposing a plan to extend USTB’s international reach!


The Contest

How do YOU think USTB can broaden its international reach? Is it by convincing more exchange students to come experience life on our campus? Is it by increasing the opportunities for our students to see the world outside of Beijing? Maybe you would like to see more conferences held here on our campus! Or maybe you would like to see a new VI design of International Office!

Students will have the opportunity to tell USTB’s International Office what they think byNovember 20TH, 2014 for the chance to win 3000 RMB!

Plans to broaden USTB’s international influence can be in any form or style imaginable. Present your ideas in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, Word document or video clip, you name it!We just want you to show us what you’ve think!



Contest Rules

- Students may work in teams, but all participants must be students at USTB.

- You must submit your proposal to or drop it off to us in room 109 of the International Office by NOVEMBER 20th, 2014, and no later!

- Submissions may come in almost any format of your choice, but if you have questions about the format of your presentation then drop by and ask us!



Now for the good stuff! The top 10 submissions will be asked to give a formal presentation to explain their plans in person to us on NOVEMBER 28th, 2014 at the International Office.

Up for grabs is a Grand Prize of 3000 RMB – just think about how popular you’ll be with that kind of spending money on the weekend! For those submissions that were great but just not quite the best, we will be giving out two 1500 RMB prizes to the 2nd place finishers, three 1000 RMB prizes to the 3rd place finishers and several 300 RMB prizes to some excellent works.


Materials to be submitted

-Information Sheet Download

-Paper ReportDetailed descriptions of the project on creativity and feasibility

-(If any)Videos, pictures or other documents


Still Have Questions?

Still have questions about how the contest works? Send us an email – Or come visit us in room 109 and we’ll be happy to give you all of the information that you’ll need to get that grand prize!

Best of luck to all participants

Uploaded:2014-11-15 18:33:06

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