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Foreign Experts from USTB attended the 65th Anniversary Reception for Foreign Experts

On 28 th September, the eve of the 65th anniversary of the founding of new China, the Chinese government held a reception for foreign experts in the Great Hall of the People.
Among some 1,800 attendants were foreign experts in the fields of technology, economics, management, culture and education. Dr. Mark Buck and 13 foreign experts from USTB attended this reception.
Liu Yunshan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, gave an opening address. Liu conveyed appreciation and greetings from President Xi Jinping and the government to all foreign experts and international friends for their support of reform and development.
Liu hoped that the foreign experts would serve as goodwill ambassadors for China and help enhance the world's understanding and friendship toward China. China will continue to improve rules and practices to attract more highly skilled workers from overseas, including protection of intellectual property rights and providing excellent working conditions.
Currently, USTB has hired more than 1,000 professionals and experts to come to the campus work, teach and perform research. 

Uploaded:2014-09-30 09:47:29

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