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USTB Immerses Students in Foreign Cultures

The long-expected course “International Understanding and Appreciation” is about to start again in the new semester. Initiated by USTB, this course is mainly taught by Prof. Wang Ge, director of the International Office and distinguished professor of the Zhang Jiang Scholars Program, based on her overseas and work experience. She hopes to improve students’ cross-cultural understanding through introducing them to the culture and scientific studies of foreign universities.

The course adopts innovative teaching methods. Many teachers with overseas experience, including USTB President Zhang Xinxin who has studied in France and Hardy Boeckle, chief of the culture section of the German Embassy in China, have been invited to give lectures. Prof. Wang has also invited overseas students at USTB to join the class so that students can feel the cultural difference directly. Students are also required to give presentations on topics relevant to the course in groups or on their own.

According to Prof. Wang, during the course, students will acquire certain general knowledge of foreign countries and international skills, learn to accept and respect the manners and customs of different cultures and thereby be equipped with the ability to effectively engage with global cultures. Furthermore, this course will serve as a platform for students aiming to go abroad for further study to get accustomed to these cultures in advance.

Having been included in the educational reform program “Exploring and Practicing the Training Model of Cross-cultural Talents from an International Perspective”, this course won the first prize of this program in 2012 for its teaching achievements.


Uploaded:2014-04-06 18:40:01

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