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“Chinese Chess Overseas Promotion” Activity Held at USTB

On November 10 USTB hosted a “Chinese Chess Overseas Promotion” event at the International Student Center. The Deputy Director of the Chess Sports Management Center of General Administration of Sports, Ye Jingchuan, the Chinese Chess Association Deputy Secretary General Guo Liping, chess master Jiang Chuan, USTB Chancellor Luo Weidong, and the Director of the Student Center Zhao Liying attended the event. 




More than 100 students attended and listened to the history and culture of chess, its rules, and competed against Jiang Chuan, who praised the students’ ability.
The event was aimed at promoting the popularity of chess in China to the student body, its culture, and enrich the social life of the students. It is hoped that the students will actively take up playing chess and incorporate it into Chinese culture.

Uploaded:2015-11-14 14:51:07

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