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On the morning of October 19, Vice President Purvee Jargaltuya of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology led a delegation to USTB. The goal of the visit was to renew a collaborative agreement with USTB and discuss opportunities for further cooperation regarding teacher and student exchanges. The delegation was met by Vice President Wang Ge and the Director of the International Office Guo Kanjun.
Vice President Wang greeted the guests and proceeded to brief them on USTB’s recent accomplishments. She said that while USTB is known for its engineering and science disciplinary, as a national research hub, it is also a multidisciplinary academic institution. It is particularly known for its mining, materials, metallurgy, and mechanical engineering colleges. USTB and MUST share many common interests in professional and research fields, and she expressed her hopes the two schools could deepen their collaborative ties.
Vice President Jargaltuya introduced MUST, which was founded in 1969 with the purpose of providing specialized training for engineers. MUST is committed to promoting the process of its internationalization by working with international universities .Currently, MUST has already made agreements with 120 institutions in 21 countries. She ended by expressing her desire to enhance the collaboration in teacher and student exchanges, organizing academic seminars, and other projects to promote long-term relations.
Then the two sides conducted the renewal ceremony. Afterward Vice President Jargaltuya visited the USTB history museum.
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University of Science & Technology Beijing