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Opening of USTB-AAFIE International Engineering Education Center Provides New Prospects of Better International Education for USTB Students

On June 16th, 2012, the signing and opening ceremony for the “USTB-AAFIE International Engineering Education Center” was held at USTB, with representatives of both parties in attendance.

The meeting was hosted by Wang Ge, Director of the International Office. Prof. Luo Weidong, Chancellor of USTB, welcomed the guests and gave them an introduction of the past, present and future of USTB’s engineering education plans. Gilbert Mark Stewart, Vice-President of AAFIE, made an address and discussed the benefits of further cooperation in the areas of engineering education. Prof. Luo and Thomas Gold, Director of the AAFIE Board, then signed an agreement of further cooperation. Zhang Xinxin, the Vice-President of USTB, and Mr. Stewart then unveiled the plaque for the “USTB-AAFIE International Engineering Education Center”.

USTB and AAFIE will work together to focus on the internationalization of engineering education. The two sides hope to improve and diversify the education offered to students, particularly in the field of the sciences and English language education. Both parties have already had substantial cooperation in the past, together hosting international engineering lectures and this event will only serve to further that level of cooperation in the future.

Uploaded:2012-06-16 14:42:19

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