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China-Japan Friendship Senior University Delegation Visited USTB

On April 15, 2015, the China-Japan Friendship Senior University delegation visited USTB. Vice President Wang met with guests, along with Director of the International Office Guo Kanjun, Former Deputy Director Bi Huifang, and Professor Hu Benfu from the School of Materials Science and Engineering.
畑野耕一, President of the Promotion Committee, delivered a speech on the history of Senior University and its cooperation with USTB. The two universities made initial contact in 1989, and from July of 1990 to June of 2012 Senior University has sent 68 groups students (numbering 1010 student altogether) to USTB. It also sent delegations to celebrate USTB’s 50th and 60th anniversaries. The President ended by saying that the last 26 years has built strong ties between the two universities, and he thanked USTB for its ongoing partnership.
Vice-president Wang then welcomed the delegation and thanked them for visiting USTB. She spoke fondly of the special relationship between the two universities, and agreed that the over two-decade old partnership had produced a profound friendship. She thereafter invited the delegation to continue visiting USTB in the future in order to further strengthen the partnership.
Afterwards a video commemorating the partnership was viewed by the assemblage.

Uploaded:2015-04-20 08:51:25

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