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USTB Hosts CBSTEEL Senior Executives from Brazil for Training Courses


On the morning of July 20 USTB hosted senior officials from the Brazilian state of Maranhão for the CBSTEEL project. Carlos Brandão, Deputy Governor of Maranhão, Brazil, and Zhang Shengsheng, General Manager of CBSTEEL, attended the opening ceremony. Including Maranhão senior officials, CBSTEEL staff, etc. a total of nearly 30 people attended the opening ceremony. The International Director of the school, Guo Kanjun, officiated the ceremony.

         Noting the heavy rain that day, President Zhang Xinxin of USTB said that “heavy rains brings guests” as he warmly welcomed Deputy Governor Brandão and Director Zhang. He the briefly spoke of USTB’s history and pointed out that it is oft referred to as the “cradle of iron and steel engineers”, and that the school works closely with leaders in the metallurgy industry throughout China. USTB attaches great importance to international cooperation with other universities and industry leaders. He concluded by saying that the training course would help to deepen ties between the two sides making future collaboration easier and promote personnel training, joint research, and advancement in other areas of common interest.

         Deputy Governor Brandão replied that heavy rains were a good sign for beginning a new project, and discussed the success of the CBSTEEL industrial park in Brazil. He continued that the Brazilian government was very interested in building continued ties with USTB, and that they looked forward to engaging in greater collaboration in the future. Finally, Deputy Governor Brandão welcomed USTB to found an Iron and Steel Research Center at the CBSTEEL industrial park.

         Director Zhang spoke on how the CBSTEEL industrial park was an effective platform for scientific research and development under the leadership of Deputy Governor Brandão, and that it had made significant advances. Subsequently he went on to describe some of his own work and the importance of urban development with the goal of economic improvement.

         The training course was jointly sponsored by USTB, CBSTEEL, and the government of Maranhão. As part of the course guests were given lectures by experts in the steel industry on subjects such as economic development and Chinese developments in steel processing. Attention was also given to theoretical knowledge and also in-depth Study on the Development of New Iron and Steel Industry. Additionally the Brazilian colleagues were given a tour around Beijing to give them a flavor of Chinese culture.

Uploaded:2016-07-20 09:42:58

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