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The ICON2011 was Successfully Held in Beijing

 The 4th International Conference on One-dimensional Nanomaterials (ICON 2011) was successfully held at Grand Skylight Catic Hotel, Beijing from December 7th to 9th. This conference was subsidized by National Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of PRC and USTB, sponsored by USTB and undertaken by Research Center for Nanoscale Materials and Devices, USTB, China.

The leaders and eminent scholars who attended the opening ceremony were: Prof. Luo Weidong, Chancellor of USTB, Prof. Zhang Yue, Vice-President of USTB, Prof. Zhang Ze, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Wang Zhonglin, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, Prof. Zhu Jing, Tsinghua University, Prof. Lars Samuelson, Lund University, Sweden and Prof. Chen Kexin, National Science Foundation of China. Prof. Zhang Yue chaired the opening ceremony.
Over 200 scholars and researchers participated in the conference, including 73 renowned experts and scholars, coming from USA, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Singapore Australia and Iran. They contributed 8 keynote speeches, 29 invited speeches, 39 oral presentations and 70 poster presentations.
The previous ICON 2005, 2007, 2009 were held respectively in Taiwan, Sweden and USA while this was the first time that it was held in the mainland of China. Towards the end of this conference, the committee announced that ICON 2013 will be held in France.

Uploaded:2011-12-13 17:43:38

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