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Celebration of 2017 New Years Party Held

 On December 27 the close of the year of the monkey was celebrated with the coming of the year of the rooster as USTB representatives and over 500 international students celebrated a New Years Party at Wanxiu cafeteria.

         Director Zhao Liying of the International Office presided over the celebration. She commemorated the students and staff for their hard work and dutiful cooperation over the course of 2016, and ended by wishing everyone the best of luck for the coming New Year.

         Following her opening address the international students performed a number of interesting programs, including dancing and singing, which drew thunderous applause from the assembly.

         Korean student performance of “BANG BANG BANG”

         Samoan student’s passionate dance greatly impressed the audience

         International student band “Beyond Infinite”

         International Office staff performance of “blue and white porcelain”

         The evening is drawn to a close with students from Madagascar singing “See You Again”

         During the awards ceremony that followed, 5 students were awarded the “Chinese Outstanding Scholarship for International Students” award, 62 were granted the “Beijing International Student Scholarship”, 98 won the “USTB Outstanding International Student Scholarship”, and 37 the “USTB Student Scholarship” award. Awards and certificates were given out by representatives of the university.

         Professor Wang Rongming, of mathematics and physics, awards certificates to USTB students.

          Professor Zhang Lifeng, of finance, awards the “Beijing International Student Scholarship”.

         Professor Wang Li, from the school of Energy and Environmental Engineering, awards the “Chinese Outstanding Scholarship for International Students”.

         Director Zhao Liying of the International Office awards student representatives.

         In addition to student awards, teachers were also recognized. Students voted for their favorites teachers, and those who were recognized included Professor Ma Hongzhi from the school of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Professor Jia Zhenquan from the school of Economics and Management, Professor Ding Hongsheng from the school of Mathematics, Professor Yang Qing from the school of Economics and Management, and Professor Xiao Ming.

         Professor Zheng Liancun, of mathematics and physics, is awarded his certificate.

         Director Guo Kanjun of the International Office awards teachers certificates for excellence.

         As we enter the year of the rooster, the students and teachers look with expectation towards 2017. New challenges and opportunities await them with the New Year.

Uploaded:2016-12-28 10:07:03

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