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USTB Opens its Doors to Four French Universities

 On Oct. 22th, 2012, USTB held its Open Day for French Universities. The event was hosted in the Yifu Academic Report Hall at the Conference Center of USTB and was attended by delegations from l’Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, l’Institute d'Etudes Politiques de Paris - Sciences Po, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Tours, Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université d’Orléans, and Campus France. Prof. Wang Ge, Director of the Office of H.K., Macao, and Taiwan Affairs, attended the opening ceremony and delivered the welcoming speech.


Prof. Sovan Lek, Director of the Office of Asian Affairs of the l’Université de Toulouse, presented a report on the status of higher education in Toulouse and France. Prof. Lek was followed by admission counselors from the other three French universities who presented an overview of their schools and their achievements in scientific research, as well as admission information and on scholarship policies – issues of high importance to USTB students.

Throughout the Open Day, USTB students, taking the floor to ask questions one after another, showed a high level of interest interest in furthering their educations in France.

Apart from enhancing USTB students’ understanding of higher education in France and of these specific universities, the Open Day served to strengthen and deepen the existing cooperation between USTB and its French partners...


Uploaded:2012-10-22 14:59:04

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