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BreakingDown Borders, Climbing Great Walls: Students from Aachen University ConcludeOne Month Exchange at USTB

 From Sep. 10th to Oct. 8th, 2012, 14 engineering students from RWTH Aachen University arrived at USTB to participate in a month-long cultural exchange program, hosted by the International Office of USTB.

The students from Germany were given a variety of cultural experiences, which included Mandarin and tai chi lessons, as well as visits to numerous historical sites such as the Great Wall. In addition to this cultural education the exchange students were able to continue their study of engineering inside of the classroom, by attending seminars hosted by USTB professors, and by visiting numerous Chinese engineering enterprises in the Beijing area. The experience was aimed firstly at giving the German students insights into Chinese academia, particularly with regard to the field of engineering, secondly, to strengthen the level of exchange and communication between students of the two nations, and thirdly, to provide the students with a firm understanding of Chinese culture.

Since the establishment of a cooperative agreement between USTB and RWTH Aachen, a closer and deeper partnership between the two schools has been forged, owing much to student exchange programs. Every year, 30 USTB students majoring in metallurgical engineering and material science further their MA studies in RWTH Aachen. In exchange, students from RWTH Aachen are sent to USTB every two years for month-long exchange studies. 


Uploaded:2012-10-13 17:14:10

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