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Officer Huo Gang Shocks, Wows and Informs International Students

 Have you applied for your residency permit yet? Staying in China without completing the proper paperwork could cost you 5000RMB and might result in deportation.

Officer Huo Gang from the Beijing Police Department spoke Tuesday afternoon at the Multifunction Hall to deliver this and other important messages to the University of Science and Technology Beijing’s fresh crop of international students.

Officer Huo also addressed traffic safety, showing a video of traffic collisions that drew shocked reactions from the students present. The intent of the video was to ensure that new students knew that being aware of traffic safety can mean the difference between life and death.

Other topics covered included how students can protect themselves against fraud, permits that are required for living off campus and the general consequences of breaking the laws of Beijing and China.

Laws vary from country to country and if any students feel unsure about any laws, permits or requirements they should not hesitate to contact the International Student’s Office on campus for clarification.

Other speakers of the day included Ms. Hao Jianhong who detailed the upcoming academic school year for undergraduate students, which included key dates and procedures. Also present was Ms. Lian Wen, manager of the international students’ residence, also known as Building 4.

Student life can become very complicated without knowing the proper procedures for going through it. If any student happened to miss the presentations, or still has questions relating to anything from laundry coins to room selection, the International Office is here to help.

Coming up Wednesday is the presentation of Academic Affairs for Language Students, hosted by Ms. Guo Kailin and Ms. Hu Yuanyuan, an overview for any students pursuing language courses this year at the USTB.

Do you have a passion for art, basketball or football? In the afternoon Ms Pinpin Wang will be hosting the sign-up for extracurricular activities. This might be your one chance all year to show off your excellent stickman drawing or your silky smooth jump-shot, so come down to the registration that starts at 2:30 in the Multifunction Hall. 

Uploaded:2012-09-04 18:39:30

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