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USTB Welcomes New International Students

On Sept 2nd and 3rd, over 300 newinternational students from more than 80 countries registered at USTB. With the help of Chinese and foreign volunteers they were able toregister for classat the multifunction hall.

USTB’sInternational Office provided a series oforientation courses from Sept 9th to 13th to familiarize the newly registered students with the school. The courses covered a wide range of aspects of USTB, including theInternational Student Center, campus life, academic studies, day-to-day rulesfor international students and the rules of the dormitory. Questions posed by the international students were fielded by representatives of the International Office. The orientation courses laid a foundation for international students to adapt to, and enjoy, their new lives at USTB. 




Uploaded:2013-09-10 17:30:37

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