Kyushu University Delegation Visited USTB
On March 23, 2015 the former President of Kyushu University 有川节夫, the Dean of the Integrated Science and Engineering Research Institute中岛英治, and President of the Chinese Alumni Association and former President of Northeast Normal University Shi Ningzhong along with a 6-person delegation visited USTB. They were met by USTB President Zhang Xinxin, Vice-president Wang Ge, Deputy Dean of the Graduate School Du Zhenmin, Director of the International Office Guo Kanjun and Professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering Tian Wenhuai.
President Zhang welcomed the delegation to USTB and gave a presentation on the university’s achievements, focusing on the school’s international initiatives. He praised the close partnership and frequent exchanged between USTB and Kyushu University, which began in 1997. He made notice that many USTB professors and students had previously studied at Kyushu University, or had been invited to participate at events there, and that Kyushu had sent a representative to celebrate USTB’s 60th anniversary. He ended by expressing his hope that the two schools would continue to engage in cooperative ventures in the future.
Former President有川节夫 expressed his thanks for the warm welcome and then talked about Kyushu’s history. The university was founded in 1911 and is one of the seven Japanese Imperial Universities, and has grown to become a top-tier international-recognized school. He then expressed his hope that USTB and Kyushu University would maintain close ties in pursuing research of materials science. He also spoke of Kyushu University’s new Ito campus, known as the “Hydrogen Campus”, which is becoming a center for research of hydrogen energy technology.
Afterwards, representatives met to discuss cooperative details on the “Asian Campus Program” and “Green Asia Program”. Under the auspices of these initiatives the two universities will conduct an exchange program and double-degree Master’s program concerning energy and the environment.
The result of meeting will serve to provide further opportunities for deep exchanges and cooperation between the two universities in the future.
Uploaded:2015-03-30 09:36:57
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