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USTB International Students Welcome New Year

On Dec. 23rd, the USTB 2014 New Year’s party was held for international students at the school restaurant, attracting nearly 550 people, including representatives of the faculty and the administrative staff as well as international students, to attend. School Chancellor LuoWeidong, President Zhang Xinxin, Vice Chancellor Xie Hui and Vice President Wang Weicai were present at the party.

In the New Year’s greeting made on behalf of all school leaders, President Zhang expressed his wish that the party could relieve the international students’ homesickness. He commended the excellent performance of the international students’ center and the achievements of international students in 2013, and encouraged everybody to work hard to accomplish even more in the next year. He proposed a toast subsequently to all the teachers and students, wishing them a happy and successful new year.  

The beautiful traditional Chinese folk dance, the fantastic magic show, the hilarious comedy and fabulous song and dance presented by international students contributed constant laughter and applause for the party.

2013 was a fruitful year for USTB and its international students. In the 6th CCTV Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Students in China, Rashedul Islam from Bangladesh made the top 30 and Ilave Jacob from Papua New Guinea made the top 100.

USTB constantly improved the academic performance of international students. In 2013, it oversaw15 students win the Ministry of Education Scholarship for Excellent Self-funded International Students, 54 win the Beijing Municipal Scholarship for SInternational Students, 66 win the USTB Scholarship for International Students and 19 win the USTB Presidential Scholarship. Further, doctoral candidate Toufiq Arbab Muhammad from Pakistan published 6 SCI papers with the highest having an impact factor of 3.842; and another doctoral candidate, Masakorala Kanaji from Sri Lanka, published 4 SCI papers with the highest having an impact factor reaching 3.9. 

Furthermore, USTB trained a number of excellent teachers for international students in 2013. Liu Xiuqin with the School of Mathematics and Physics, Yao Lin with the School of Computer and Communication Engineering and Li Xinxue with the School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering were voted by the second-year international students as their favorite teachers. Prof. Wang Fengping with the School of Mathematics and Physics and Prof. Yao Jun with the Civil and Environmental Engineering School were given the Outstanding Contribution award for their devotion to the education of international students. 

Representatives of the scholarship and award winners accepted their certificates of honor from the school leaders at the New Year’s party.  


Uploaded:2013-12-24 10:11:00

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