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Orientation for International Students is underway

Sleepy-eyed students slowly trickled their way into their first round of orientation courses on Monday. While the lectures may not have been of the same excitement as the ones that will follow, they surely were just as important.

The first round of lectures by Ms. Zhao Liying, Ms. Li Baoming and Ms. Lianwen early in the morning gave the students an idea of what life was to be like on the University of Science and Technology Beijing campus. The basic university guidelines were set out and students were informed about what was to be expected of them during their stay at the USTB.

Still tired from what was likely a fun-filled first weekend of meeting their new classmates, the students walked away from the lectures in the morning with important ground rules to go by as they continue to meet new people and adapt to their new lives in Beijing.

In the early afternoon another important presentation was delivered to the USTB’s new international recruits, one that was especially important to those who were arriving for the first time - Visa and Finance Issues.

Always a complicated experience for any international traveler, Ms. Tong Qiushi and Ms. Hao Jianhong did their best to clarify the visa and financial aid procedures for the attending students. The students walked away from the Multifunction Hall with a better understanding of how to avoid a major headache down the road.

For those who were unable to attend the lectures today, the USTB Handbook for International Students provides an excellent overview of most of the subjects that were discussed. Students with questions that either the lectures or the handbook have failed to answer are encouraged to come to the International Students’ Office where a student advisor would be happy to help out.

Tuesday morning’s lecture, titled Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Students and hosted by Ms. Hao Jianhong, will be an outline of what USTB classroom life will be like. Later in the day students will have the chance to meet more new people, get involved with the school and show off their talents by signing up for an extracurricular activity in an event hosted by Ms. Wang Pinpin and Ms. Tong Qiushi. Both events will take place in the Multifunction Hall at 10am and 2:30pm respectively. 



Uploaded:2012-09-04 18:37:57

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