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University of KhartoumPresident Visits USTB

On Sept. 16th, a delegation led by Prof. Elsidding A. E. Elsheikh, President of the University of Khartoum, Sudan, and the second secretary of the Sudanese Embassy in China paid a visit to USTB. Prof. Zhang Xinxin, President of USTB, and Prof. Wang Ge, Director of the International Office of USTB, met with the delegation.

In the welcome meeting, President Zhang Xinxin briefed the delegation on USTB’s current situation and mentioned that USTB attaches great importance to the recruitment and education of international students with the hopes of building itself into a university of international significance. On the basis of the long-term educational cooperation between China and Sudan, USTB hoped to create a cooperative relationship with the University of Khartoum through cooperative efforts. In response, President Elsheihk suggested that cooperation in the education of international students and the training of faculty be developed between the two universities with theuse of USTB’s expertise in engineering.

After the meeting, the delegation from Sudan visited the history museum and the campus of USTB and was deeply impressed.



About the University of Khartoum

Situated close to the Nile, the University of Khartoum was located at the center of Khartoum, capital of Sudan. The school’s founding in 1902 makes it the oldest university in Sudan. Its 22 colleges cover a wide range of disciplines, among which its expertise in architecture and law are well-known in Africa. 

Uploaded:2013-09-16 17:39:37

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