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USTB Students Attend “China Exploration”—Sunshine Sports and Culture Journey for International Students

On April 27th and April 28th, seven overseas students and two Chinese students from USTB attended the first tour of the Sunshine Sports and Culture Journey for International Students in China hosted by the Beijing Language and Culture University . The nine students were: Tang Xiaocen and Ji Guanyu from China, Garipova Ilgiza from Uzbekistan, Iurtaeva Kseniia from Russia, Jargalmaa Nomin-Erdene and Purevdorj Tsolmon from Mongolia, Patrick Niezyimana from Rwanda, Againglo Rodrigue from Benin as well as Oyinamono Bimbela Ekabgui and John Dayve Anderson from Gabon.  

Ji, Niezyimana, Tsolmon and Anderson took part in the 3 on 3 basketball game held on April 27th and ranked third in their group. On the same day, Ilgiza participated in a competition aimed at showing one’s beauty in sports. Applauded by the whole audience, her fluid motions and performance won her third place as well as the reputation of “Sexy lady.” Several students participated in the orienteering race held on April 28th and finished, despite the fact that many of them had no prior experience. The tour ended with Rodrigue demonstrating taijiquan, traditional Chinese shadow boxing, which won applause from the audience.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Tour of Sports Culture for Overseas Students in China offers 300,000 overseas students and Chinese university students an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. By participating in various sports events, overseas and Chinese student representatives can present to the world images of health, confidence and unity.  



Uploaded:2013-04-29 16:31:11

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