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Cross-strait Students Share Ideas on Green Development

On July 1st, the 2014 Cross-strait Youth Forum was held in USTB under the title of “Environmental Sciences and Green Development”, attracting nearly 200 teachers and students from 14 Taiwanese universities and 3 mainland universities to attend the opening ceremony. Xu Bin, deputy-director of the Office for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Education, USTB Chancellor Luo Weidong, USTB President Zhang Xinxin and assistant President Wang Ge were also present at the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by President Zhang.

Chancellor delivered a speech of welcome on behalf of USTB, expressing heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and students present. He hoped that universities and university students on both sides could assume their social responsibility and work together to drive the development of society    

Deputy-director Yu introduced the current situation of cross-strait cooperation in education and spoke highly of the forum as it offered a platform for teachers and students from both sides to communicate with each other and exchange ideas. He believed that this type of events would be of mutual benefit to the two sides of the strait.     

Lu Feng from Tsinghua University and Cheh-Shyh Ting from Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) made special reports on invitation on the ceremony. Prof. Lu shared his research achievements in the field of technology and ecology, explaining to the audience the ecological diversion of technology and the latest development in the construction of ecological civilization. Prof. Ting shared NPUST’s experience in using science and technology to protect the environment and in building a green energy-powered school campus. Both experts advocated a green concept and mode of life only from different angles.



A contest was held later in the afternoon. 25 teams from the 17 universities presented their creative works about ecological technology and green development in various forms to the judges and the audience.    

During this week-long event, teachers and students will also take field trips to Zhongguancun, 798 Art Zone and the Olympic Park to experience the modern technologies, art and culture showed there and visit scenic spots representative of Beijing such as Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. 



Uploaded:2014-07-06 08:44:23

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