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Moldovan Ministry of Education Sends Delegation to USTB

On April 15th, USTB President Zhang Xinxin had a meeting with Ms. LUDMILA PAVLOV, chief of the Department of International Relations and the European Integration of the Ministry of Education of Moldova. Prof. Wang Ge, assistant to the president and director of the USTB International Office, Prof. Zhang Lifeng, dean of the School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, and Prof. He Anrui, director of the USTB Engineering Research Institute, attended the meeting.

President Zhang Xinxin expressed his warm welcome to the delegation, and stated that he was looking forward to further cooperation and communication with Moldovan universities. Prof. Wang, Prof. Zhang Lifeng and Prof. He jointly made a brief introduction about USTB’s system of metallurgical studies, including its faculty and students, setup of subjects and advantages in scientific researches.

After the meeting, the delegation visited the Engineering Research Institute and communicated with students there. 


Uploaded:2014-06-16 18:32:54

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