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USTB Receives Zhou Changkui, Deputy Director of the State Bureau of Foreign Experts

On the morning of March 31, Zhou Changkui, Deputy Director of the State Bureau of Foreign Experts, Liu Maozhou, UNESCO Division Inspector, and Chui Haichun, Director of Planning, visited USTB to inspect the construction of the innovative talent base (referred to as the “111 Base”).

Accompanied by Vice President Wu Guilong and Secretary Sun Dongbai, Deputy Director Zhou first visited the State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, where he listened to experts discuss innovations for materials in aviation, nuclear power plants, and other related fields.



Following that the guests listened to a series of reports given by USTB representatives. USTB has constructed two “111 Bases”, the “Advanced Metal and Intermetallic Composites Structure Science and Technology Innovation Base” and “Structural Materials Service Safety Innovation Base”. Representatives discussed cooperation with overseas experts, joint research, team building, youth talent cultivation, and related topics. The “Advanced Metal and Intermetallic Composites Structure Science and Technology Innovation Base” was one of the first of the “111 Bases”, first established in 2007 and approved by the Ministry of Education and the State Bureau of Foreign Experts, and was acknowledged in 2012 for having made outstanding achievements by both agencies. The “Structural Materials Service Safety Innovation Base”, having been in operation for 5 years now, will be assessed this year.



After listening to the report, Deputy Director Zhou spoke of how USTB’s State Key Laboratory and National Science Center served as the basis for expanding global cooperation, mutual understanding, and promoting intelligent innovation while achieving outstanding results. He expressed his hope that the two “111 Bases” could serve as leaders for greater international collaboration and exchanges, and play a role in promoting the further internationalization of USTB.


Finally, Vice President Wu thanked the State Bureau of Foreign Experts on behalf of USTB for their continued guidance and support, and said he hoped the two institutions would always have such a close working relationship.



In the morning, Deputy Director Zhou also participated in the Unveiling Ceremony for the Beijing Institute of Precision Medicine and Health (Preparatory), which saw Nobel laureate Ferid Murad made a Director Emeritus of the new Institute.





Uploaded:2017-04-05 10:21:58

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