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On Oct. 27th, 2012, the “Beijing International Students Cultural Classes” were held. The classes were hosted by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, co-hosted by the Beijing International Education Exchange Center, and were presented in association with numerous universities.
20 international students from USTB signed up for four experimental classes, namely martial arts, yangko (a popular rural folk dance in Northeast China), Chinese cuisine, and traditional Va dancing.
In the martial arts classes, the international students showed great enthusiasm in learning the moves of “taijiquan” that were being taught by the teacher. These moves not only required physical flexibility, but mental flexibility as well, as Chinese philosophy was a focal point of the lesson taught by the instructor.
In the Yangko classes, the aggressive moves of taijiquan were replaced by the more friendly moves of traditional dance. The unique Yangko form of dancing is known to be vigorous, and occasionally humorous, to those first witnessing its steps.
In the Chinese Cuisine classes, the international students had the opportunity to learn traditional methods of cooking under the guidance of professional Chinese chefs. The USTB students proudly took home first prize in the contest. However, the award wasn’t the only reward for the students, as they were also given the chance to sample their creations. Mengfan, a Kenyan student from USTB, remarked “Chinese food is so delicious and tasty! I love these kind of activities!”
Finally, in the traditional Va dancing classes, the USTB students demonstrated enthusiasm in learning the steps of this culturally-unique form of dance. Nord, a USTB student from Kazakhstan, spoke afterwards about his interest in Yangko, and mentioned that he was thrilled to have the opportunity to take part in these classes.
The “Beijing International Students Cultural Classes” is a series of culturally-integrative and diverse classes designed by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education. Their aim is to enrich cultural lives of international students in Beijing as well as deepen their understanding and love of Chinese culture, while promoting international friendship.
Apart from the aforementioned classes, courses on Chinese Opera and the Chinese philosophy of keeping in good health will also be hosted in the near future. International students from USTB are strongly encouraged to join in on the fun.
Copyright © 2011 Office of International Office & Office of H. K., Macao & Taiwan Affairs,
University of Science & Technology Beijing