Meeting for Professor David A. Weitz’s Honorary Professorship Awarding Ceremony Presentation Held
On March 20, 2015, the 10th “USTB Distinguished Experts Forum” was held. At the meeting Harvard University Professor David Weitz was conferred the position of USTB Honorary Professor and he delivered a presentation to the audience. Professor Weitz is also a member of the National Academy of Science and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences., and present at the forum were USTB President Zhang Xinxin, School of Mathematics and Physics Secretary Qiu Hong, Dean Wang Rongming, as well as over 50 students and teachers. The ceremony was presided over by the Director of the International Department Guo Kanjun.
At the ceremony President Zhang bestowed the title of Honorary Professor at USTB on Professor Weitz and thanked him for his academic contributions to USTB. Professor Weitz expressed his gratitude for the award and said that he looked forward to strengthening his exchanges with USTB in the fields of condensed matter physics, colloid physics and chemistry, and complex fluids, as well as other areas.
At the forum Dean Wang Rongming spoke on Professor Weitz’s background. He is recognized internationally as an expert on the physics of soft matter, colloidal dispersion, biophysics and microfluidics, as well as many other fields. Thus far Professor Weitz has published over 400 articles in journals such as Science, Nature, and Nature Materials as well as other top international journals, and has successfully applied for 56 patents.
After receiving his award Professor Weitz delivered a report entitled “Dripping, Jetting, Drop and Wetting: the Magic of Microfluidics” to the audience. During the presentation he discussed new research in the field of microfluidics and how new processes could control the size and frequency of fluid injections, as well as the practical applications. To conclude he described the application in regards to drug packaging, cosmetics, and other uses.
The presentation was well received by the audience, as Professor Weitz was able to describe complex processes in clear and simple language such as it was easy for all to understand. He also adroitly answered all the questions posed by both teachers and students. Afterwards he posed for a group photograph with the forum’s participants.
With his appointment as Professor Emeritus of USTB David Weitz will serve to promote ties between USTB and Harvard, as well as coordinate academic exchanges in the fields of physics, chemistry, and other sciences.
Uploaded:2015-03-30 08:47:22
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