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The Anniversary Party for 35 Years Cooperation between USTB and RWTH Aachen was Held

2014 marks the 35th anniversary of USTB’s cooperation with RWTH Aachen On 25th October, the anniversary party for the 35 Years Cooperation was held in the International Office. President Zhang Xinxin attended the party and delivered a speech. There were almost 50 attendants from the student delegation of RWTH Aachen, School of Material Science and Engineering, School of Foreign Studies and the International Office.


The history of cooperation was reviewed in the speech delivered by President Zhang. Cooperation was initiated in 1979, and since then more than 170 students from USTB have gone to study in RWTH Aachen, and students have come from RWTH Aachen to exchange and study at USTB 13 times. The friendship between the two universities has grown with further mutual cooperation.


The students of RWTH Aachen delivered a speech, sharing their experience of studying and living in USTB. Finally the students performed tai qi and sung a German song, which reflected their acceptance of cultural diversity and national identity. All the audience enjoyed the good atmosphere of the evening. 



Uploaded:2014-12-15 14:32:04

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