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Vice-president from Kyushu Institute of Technology Visited USTB

On March 16, 2015, Vice-president Otabe Edmund Soji of Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) visited USTB with two other representatives. They were met by USTB Vice-president Wang Ge, Director of the International Office Guo Kanjun, and Materials Science professor Tian Wenhuai.
Vice-president Wang Ge warmly welcomed the delegation and spoke of the long history of cooperation between USTB and Kyutech, and how she looked forward to deeper exchanges in the future. Vice-president Otabe thanked USTB for its welcome and went on to present Kyutech’s internationalization strategy, including its opening of affiliated branches around the world, and it’s “Global Competency for Engineers (GCE)” project.
Following the opening the two sides discussed further means of cooperation including joint-training programs, student exchanges, summer programs, etc. They also discussed sending students to Japan for enterprise training, jointly-organized seminars, and establishing Kyutech representative offices in Beijing.
After the meeting Vice-president Otabe visited the USTB history museum and then met with Kyutech alumni in the afternoon.

Uploaded:2015-03-30 08:25:33

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