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USTB Representatives Participate in 2016 Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Overseas Student Education Management Research Association


On January 12 the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Overseas Student Education Management Research Association held at Renmin University. Zhao Lingshan, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of the Ministry of Education, Yu Bin, Deputy Director, Wang Zhenyu, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Yi Zhihong, Vice President of Renmin University, Wang Dewen, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office, and other leaders and the governing units on behalf of a total of more than 100 people attended the meeting.

         Deputy Director Wang Dewen shared with the assembly in his speech the new initiatives and ideas of the Beijing Education Commission. Afterwards Vice President Yi Zhihong gave a speech reviewing the work of Association and what they looked forward to in 2017.

         At the meeting Deputy Director Zhao Lingshan gave a report on the recruitment of students for overseas education and provisions for counseling reports, which afterwards launched a lively discussion amongst the participants.

         Afterwards leaders at the meeting gave out “Outstanding Organization Awards” to schools that had participated in the Association’s programs last year. USTB was recognized and awarded for its work with Taiwan exchange students and student participation in active research.

         Before the meeting’s Executive Council USTB was formally elected to be a member of the Beijing Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Overseas Student Education Management Research Executive Director unit. In the future USTB will work with other units to further improve the quality and management of overseas education.

Uploaded:2017-01-13 10:08:24

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