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Vice President Wang Ge Attends 2016 Sino-Swiss Higher Education Forum and Delivers Report


In order to promote academic exchange and cooperation with other international universities, Vice President Wang Ge attended the 2016 Sino-Swiss Higher Education Forum from November 28 to December 5 in the Netherlands and Switzerland. The forum brought together Chinese, Dutch, and Swiss representatives to discuss the development of higher education and research, and allowed those attending to share their experiences amongst the assembly.

         Vice President Wang spoke on USTB’s development and the changes in higher education within China, as well as USTB’s experiences in promoting internationalization. During the forum Vice President Wang and the other representatives discussed high-level personnel training, cooperative education, joint scientific research and the exchange of ideas between universities.

         The Netherlands and Switzerland are known for being centers of high-class research and education. Included in the Netherlands are 13 universities which are ranked in the top 200 globally, and both countries are well known for their success in cultivating international talents. With the abundance of excellent institutions there, the forum provided USTB an excellent opportunity to carry out deeper cooperation and negotiations with other like-minded groups.


Uploaded:2016-12-07 09:53:29

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