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Foreign Experts Bureau Visited USTB

On May 19, 2015, Deputy Director-General of Department of Cultural and Educational Experts, Liu Maozhou, and Director of Planning Division, Chui Haichun, from the State Foreign Experts Bureau visited USTB. They were met by USTB President ZHANG Xinxin, Vice-presidents SUN Dongbai and WANG Ge, Director of Research Department,  LIU Jiemin, Director of the International Office GUO Kanjun, Director of State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, LU Zhaoping, Director of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, GUO Zhancheng, and Deputy Director of the National Science Center XU Wenchao. The attendees discussed USTB’s work in recruiting foreign experts.


Vice-president WANG presided over the meeting. She began by thanking the Foreign Experts Bureau for their support in aiding USTB’s efforts at recruiting foreign talents. She said that programs for recruiting high-end foreign experts initiated by State Experts Bureau played a central role in bringing new talent to USTB, increasing the school’s international profile, and strengthening USTB’s academic reputation.


Deputy Director-General  LIU highly recognized USTB’s effort to recruit international faculties and UTSB’s outcome in international exchange and cooperation. He further encouraged USTB to continue its good work in producing high-end research and continue engaging in international exchanges and cooperative projects.




Finally the attendees discussed the main issues in the recruitment of international experts and future direction of the university’s work. Afterwards Deputy Director Liu and his entourage visited USTB’s State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy.

Uploaded:2015-05-25 18:01:38

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