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2016-2017 Taiwan Exchange Students Arrive at USTB


On the morning of September 5, the USTB International Office welcomed 30 Taiwan exchange students originating from 9 universities for the 2016-2017 school year.

         At the reception, the International Office gave a presentation to the students to better help them integrate into their new life in Beijing, covering topics such as traffic, communication, medicine, dining, elective course, using the library, and other topics, ending in a general Q&A session. After the meeting the Taiwan students met with volunteer USTB students to be shown around the campus.

         On September 24 the International Office arranged a field trip to take the students on a visit to the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. This annual trip is intended to show off some aspects of Chinese history and culture, allowing students to appreciate such historical areas. It also promoted the building of stronger ties between the students with their USTB partners. Despite the early morning traffic jam and heat, the students’ enthusiasm remained unabated, and eagerly took to climbing the Great Wall. There they were excited at the chance to experience the amazing architecture and gain a greater appreciation for Chinese culture.

         During this semester Taiwanese students are studying a wide variety of subjects, while at the same time 57 USTB students are studying in Taiwan. This reflects the strong ties USTB has formed with foreign universities, and the increasingly rich fruits of that cooperation. In addition to student exchanges, USTB also hosts a number of events and activities to promote greater friendship with Taiwan.


Uploaded:2016-09-26 09:48:33

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