一、申请时间 Application period 10月11日至10月31日,from 11 October to 31 October. 二、申请人资格 Application prerequisites 1、申请人须全日制学生,已经在校学习一个学年以上; Full-time registered in USTB over one year; 2、遵守中国法律、法规和学校规章制度,对华友好; To be friendly to China, and obey the Chinese laws and University rules and regulations; 3、热爱所学专业,勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,上课出勤率达到90%以上,学习成绩优良; Working hard in the study and no less than 10% of absence for the class; 4、品行端正,尊敬师长,团结同学,身体健康; High morality and to be popular with students and teachers; 5、积极参加集体活动,认真配合留学生教育管理相关工作。 Be active in the students activities and be obedient to the international students rules and regulations. 三、奖学金标准Values of scholarship 一等奖5000元/人,二等奖3000元/人,三等奖1000元/人。 First prize: 5,000 Yuan, Second prize: 3,000 Yuan, Third prize: 1,000 Yuan. 四、申请材料提供Application documents 1、《北京科技大学优秀留学生奖学金申请表》 Application Form for Excellent International Students Scholarship 可以到留学生中心各班主任处领取《北京科技大学优秀留学生奖学金申请表》。 Students wishing to apply can receive the form from class teacher, International Students Center. 留学生中心 International Students Center 2014年10月11日 October 11, 2014