序号 | 创意主题 | 学生姓名 | 学院班级 | 学号 |
1 | Information Synergy | Enkhgal T. | 环境工程 | S20141490 |
Hazel T. | S20141489 |
Pamela P.H. | S20141555 |
2 | 国际互助协会(IMAA)的设立及下设项目推广 | 宋嘉音 | 管理1302 | 41362047 |
姚育青 | 材料1309 | 41330242 |
3 | The World should See USTB | Ratsimba Sitraka | 企业管理 | S20141548 |
4 | “one plus one”学伴互助模式 | 曹奇 | 生技1201 | 41267027 |
王晓旭 | 生技1202 | 41267038 |
王艺达 | 生技1201 | 41267003 |
5 | Proposing a Plan to Extend USTB’s International Reach | Mustapha Boukhir | PhD | B20100548 |
6 | 小活动、大效益 | 毛爽 | 信安1301 | 41359003 |
阳帅 | 41359006 |
7 | The World should See USTB | Gilal Faheem Gul | 管理科学与工程 | S20131741 |
8 | 构思一:国际合作与交流处logo设计(环抱地球) | 张芯 | 土木1204 | 12090012064 |
构思二:国际合作与交流处logo设计(海贝) |
9 | Make USTB more international | 玛丽 | MBA | G20138958 |
阿斯丁 | 国际商务 | 61302137 |
马原 | 环境工程 | S20141487 |
10 | How to USTB can Broaden it’s International Reach | Kashif Sultan | 12 | S20121898 |
During the first round review, we selected the top 10 out of 20 proposals for the second round. The authors of the top 10 submissions will be asked to give a formal presentation regarding their proposals in person on DECEMBER 3rd, 2014 at the Multi-function Hall of the International Office. Please submit a PowerPoint of the presentation to Room 109 before DECEMBER 2nd.
决赛安排 (Schedule):
1、 时间:12月3日(周三)下午2:30-4:30
Time: 3rd Dec, 2:30-4:30pm
2、 地点:国际处多功能厅
Venue: Multi-function Hall of International Office
3、 要求:每组答辩时间一共不超过10分钟,其中:小组阐述时间7分钟和评委提问时间3分钟
Requirement: Each of the top 10 proposals will have 10 minutes to give their presentation (presentation 7 minutes, Q&A 3 minutes).
4、 评审规则:综合评审,百分制。其中作品创新性(30%)、可行性(30%)、意义(15%)、陈述表现(10%)、答辩表现(10%)、亲友团支持(5%)
Rules: Comprehensive Review, using the hundred percentage point system. (Innovation 30%, Feasibility 30%, Meaning 15%, Performance 10%, Presentation 10%, and Response of the audience 5%);
5、 现场打分及公布比赛结果
The score will be calculated and released after presentation.
6、 缺席决赛答辩视为自动退出比赛
Absent presentation will automatic withdrawal from the Contest.
Welcome all the students to come and best luck to the Top 10!